Sunday, May 17, 2020

Biography of Olympias, Mother of Alexander the Great

Olympias (c. 375–316 BCE) was an ambitious and violent ruler of ancient Greece. She was the daughter of Neoptolemus I, the king of Epirus; the wife of Philip II, who ruled over Macedonia; and the mother of Alexander the Great, who conquered the territory from Greece to northwest India, establishing one of the largest kingdoms of his time. Olympias was also the mother of Cleopatra, the queen of Epirus. Fast Facts: Olympias Known For: Olympias was the queen of Macedonia and the mother of Alexander the Great.Also Known As: Polyxena, Myrtale,  StratoniceBorn: c. 375 BCE in Epirus, Ancient GreeceParents: Neoptolemus I of Epirus, mother unknownDied: c. 316 BCE in Macedonia, Ancient GreeceSpouse: Philip II of Macedonia (m. 357-336 BCE)Children: Alexander the Great, Cleopatra Early Life Olympias was born around 375 BCE, the daughter of Neoptolemus I of Epirus, a Greek king, and an unknown mother. Her family was a powerful one in ancient Greece; they claimed to be descended from the Greek hero Achilles, the main character in Homers Iliad. Olympias was also known by several other names: Polyxena, Myrtale,  and Stratonice. Historians believe she chose the name Olympias to celebrate her husbands victory in the Olympic Games. A follower of mystery religions, Olympias was famed—and feared—for her ability to handle snakes during religious ceremonies. Some scholars believe she belonged to the Cult of Dionysus, a group that worshipped the god of wine, fertility, and religious ecstasy. Reign In 357 BCE, Olympias was married to Philip II, the new king of Macedonia, as a political alliance arranged by her father Neoptolemus, who ruled the Greek kingdom of Epirus. After fighting with Philip—who already had three other wives—and angrily returning to Epirus, Olympias reconciled with Philip at Macedonias capital of Pella and then bore Philip two children, Alexander and Cleopatra, about two years apart. Olympias later claimed that Alexander was actually the son of Zeus. Olympias, as the father of Philips heir presumptive, dominated at court. When the two had been married for about 20 years, Philip married again, this time to a young noblewoman of Macedonia named Cleopatra. Philip seemed to disown Alexander. Olympias and Alexander went to Molossia, where her brother had assumed the kingship. Philip and Olympias publicly reconciled and Olympias and Alexander returned to Pella. But when a marriage of note was offered to Alexanders half-brother Philip Arrhidaeus, Olympias and Alexander may have assumed that Alexanders succession was in doubt. Philip Arrhidaeus, it had been assumed, was not in the line of succession, as he had some kind of mental impairment. Olympias and Alexander tried to substitute Alexander as the groom, alienating Philip. A marriage was eventually arranged between Cleopatra, daughter of Olympias and Philip, to a brother of Olympias. At that wedding, Philip was assassinated. Olympias and Alexander were rumored to have been behind her husbands murder, though whether this is true or not is disputed. Ascension of Alexander After Philips death and the ascension of their son, Alexander, as ruler of Macedonia, Olympias exercised considerable influence and power.  Olympias is alleged to also have had Philips wife (also named Cleopatra) and her young son and daughter killed—followed by Cleopatras powerful uncle and his relatives. Alexander was away frequently  and, during his absences, Olympias assumed a powerful role to protect her sons interests. Alexander left his general Antipater as regent in Macedonia, but Antipater and Olympias frequently clashed. She left and returned to Molossia, where her daughter was now the regent. But eventually Antipaters power weakened and she returned to Macedonia. During his reign, Alexander oversaw the expansion of the Macedonian kingdom, as he conquered the territory from Greece to northwest India. His military skills were unmatched; within a matter of years he was able to conquer the Persian Empire, and he still hoped to make further incursions into Asia when he became sick and died in 323 BCE. Although records indicate that he died of fever, some historians suspect foul play. Battle With Cassander After Alexanders death, Antipaters son Cassander tried to become the new ruler of Macedonia. Olympias married her daughter Cleopatra to a general who contended for the rulership, but he was soon killed in battle. Olympias then tried to marry Cleopatra to yet another possible contender to rule Macedonia. Olympias eventually became the regent for Alexander IV, her grandson (the posthumous son of Alexander the Great by Roxane), and tried to seize control of Macedonia from Cassanders forces. The Macedonian army surrendered without a fight; Olympias had the supporters of Cassander executed, but by then Cassander had escaped. Around this time, Olympias formed an alliance with Polyperchon, Antipaters successor, and Eurydice, the wife of Philip III. The latter provided soldiers for Olympias to command in battle. Cassander maneuvered a surprise attack and Olympias fled; he then besieged Pydna, she fled again, and she finally surrendered in 316 BCE. Cassander, who had promised not to kill Olympias, arranged instead to have Olympias murdered by relatives of the people whom she had executed. Death Following Cassanders orders, relatives of Olympiass victims stoned her to death in 316 BCE. Scholars are not certain whether or not the Macedonian queen was given a proper burial. Legacy Like many powerful figures from ancient history, Olympias lives on in the public imagination. She has been depicted in a variety of books, films, and television series, including the 1956 epic Alexander the Great, Mary Renaults Alexander trilogy, the Oliver Stone film Alexander, and Steven Pressfields The Virtues of War: A Novel of Alexander the Great. Sources Bosworth, A. B.  Conquest and Empire: the Reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge University Press, 2008.Carney, Elizabeth Donnelly, and Daniel Ogden.  Philip II and Alexander the Great: Father and Son, Lives and Afterlives. Oxford University Press, 2010.Carney, Elizabeth Donnelly.  Olympias: Mother of Alexander the Great. Routledge, 2006.Waterfield, Robin.  Dividing the Spoils: the War for Alexander the Greats Empire. Oxford University Press, 2013.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Butter Fly Effect by Eric Bress and J. Mackye...

The butterfly effect is written and directed by Eric Bress and J.Mackye Gruber the film has a pretty great casting and has Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart, Elden Henson, Eric Stoltz, Melora Walters, Cameron Bright, William Lee Scott, Ethan Suplee and Logan Lerman. The movie is about Evan Treborn played by Ashton Kutcher, now, when he was younger he deled with abuse, drama, and suffered a lot of black outs and it follows when he is 7 years old and when he is 13 years old and then when you see him in the present day. During his life a lot of things ended up going wrong, but there was one girl that kind of makes everything better for him and who`s he`s been absolutely in love since he was a kid, and that ´s Kayleigh Miller played by Amy Smart, and†¦show more content†¦Then you have Tommy Miller, played by William Lee Scott, he is absolutely insane, he is pretty much the evil villain in the movie, he is Kayleigh`s brother and he goes through a lot of character`s transformation as we ll, but the majority of the movie he is evil and sinister as he can be, and he doesn’t really like Evan because he is dating her sister. And Evan`s mom, Melora Walters as Magnolia, and she is this kind of pushy mother as her son is always getting involved in this serious bad situation and she always put trough as a single mother to be able to keep up with her son and keeping him out of all the trouble. And then we have Eric Stoltz that plays Kayleigh`s and Tommy`s father, he is kind of this weird, crippy paedophile father and he treats a lot of distraction towards the second half of the film. And then you have Ethan Suplee, who keeps on traveling back in time, And if Lenny is not his friend (Evan`s), then Ethan Suplee is and he`s always got someone to kind of fall back to every dramatic moment in his life that he keeps going back. Ethen Suplee is a little bit crazy in this movie. And last but not least Logan Lerman when Evan is 7 years old. A lot of crazy stuff that happen in Evan’s life is that he goes a lot back when he was a kid to all the drama and abuse. The cinematographic of this film has blue and those over tone. And the special fact of this movie is

Business Organisations Developing Employability Skills

Question: Discuss about the Business Organisations for Developing Employability Skills. Answer: Introduction In order to work in business organisations, the candidates are required to have a set of skills which are prerequisites to work in any industry. These skills that every individual should possess in order to work in any industry are known as the employability skills. Thus, employability skills can be defined as the basic set of skills which help an individual in getting a job offer from a business organisation. In general, employability skills are divided into eight categories, which are listed below: Communication Team-work Problem solving Initiative and enterprise Planning and organising Self-management Learning Technology ("Employability Skills", 2016) In order to find a respectable job, such as an EDA engineer, I have been developing my employability skills since a long time. I have been trying to develop some important skills through my coursework, outside my coursework as well as in the industry in which I have been working. Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with staff at all levels: This particular employability skill is one which I have developed throughout my life, right from the beginning of my schooling. While studying in an institute, I had to communicate with my peers, juniors, seniors, teachers, assistance teachers, head of various departments, etc. Not only did I learn to communicate verbally with the staff at all levels, but I also learned how to communicate with them through writing. I developed verbal communication skills as a result of their daily interactions with the people I met while. I also developed written communication skills from the subjects that they I was taught. Further, I also used to write formal letters to various teachers and head of departments whenever there was an issue related to the students or if I had to inform the higher authority about something important. Thus, it also helps me in developing their written communication skills. Ultimately, communication skill is one such skills which a person continuously develops throughout his or her life as he or she meets new people and has to deal with them. This skill can be developed during student life, while working in an industry as well as outside the coursework or industry (Youth Central, 2016). I have also been taking some important courses that are helping me in improving this particular employability skill while it becomes more efficient as I deal with people in my industry and during social interactions. Ability to work effectively both independently and as a part of a team: One of the most important employability skill is to work effectively individually as well as while working in a team and it is highly important for all the employees to have this skill in them. I started developing this particular skill right from the beginning of my student life. Educational institutes provide individual as well as team based assignments to the students. Such assignments helped me in developing my skills while working individually as well as while working as a part of a team (Teamwork, n.d.). This skill was further developed once I started to work in an industry. While working in an industry, I am responsible for my individual performance while I also have to fulfil those jobs and responsibilities which are provided to me by my team leaders, departmental heads, seniors, etc. Thus, I am developing this employability skill by basically working in an industry. (, 2016). Ability to plan, prioritise and organise work to ensure pre-determined deadlines are met: Another important employability skill is the ability of an employee to plan, prioritize and organise his or work and to ensure that the deadlines are met. This is a skill which I have developed throughout my life i.e. right from the beginning of education to working in an industry and also outside the coursework. During my coursework, I had to study a number of subjects, prepare assignments, take exams, etc. which are all based on deadlines and require a lot of planning, organising and prioritizing. In our social and family lives, we all have a number of tasks that we are required to accomplish in our daily lives. Consequently, I have to plan my day, prioritise the work that needs to be accomplished first and organise ourselves accordingly. Also while working in an industry, I am given a number of tasks and associated deadlines, which I have to accomplish by hook or by crook as failure in doing so can have a direct impact on my career and the work of the organisation. Thus, I am deve loping this employability skill by working in my industry and outside my coursework too (while carrying out my day-to-day tasks). References (2016). Developing Employability Skills | Employability Skills Framework. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016]. Youth Central. (2016). Employability Skills. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016]. (2016). How to develop employability skills. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016]. Teamwork. (n.d.). 1st ed. [ebook] pp.1-21. Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016].